In the fall of 2000, the OCF governing body, the OCF Council, gave me, the Executive Director at the time direction to go forward and develop a plan for rebuilding both OCF conference centers, Spring Canyon in Colorado and White Sulphur Springs in Pennsylvania. These directions eventually turned into the Growing and Building Campaign upon which much of my book is based. In actuality this dream of a viable conference center ministry to military members and families began with the acquisition of Spring Canyon in 1962 and later White Sulphur Springs in 1978. It was a dream founded upon the faith, prayers, and leadership of many dedicated OCF members. For me the dream came full circle as we celebrated the completion of the Growing and Building Campaign, and the dedication of the final piece, the expansion of Spring Canyon’s Hartley Home Lodge. This was a 17 year effort that was led by me and the current OCF Executive Director, Brigadier General, Retired, David Warner with the work of thousands of faithful Saints. The Lord has fulfilled this dream that was birthed so many years ago and we are so thankful.
The celebration of the completion of the OCF Growing and Building Campaign was a joyful realization of from where God has brought us and how the Lord has positioned OCF to minister to our military in the 21st century. This along with our current Executive Director’s and Council’s framework for the future gives me great satisfaction and joy as I watch from afar as the Lord Grows and Builds in the days ahead. Praise the Lord.