If it wasn’t for people . . . we wouldn’t need miracles

Have you experienced a miracle in your life?  I have, I suspect that you have also.  Just think and reflect upon those times in your life where things just seemed to happen, particularly in the life of you the “leader.”  I’ve recently spoken about a couple in my life.  I shared them in previous Blogs; the Grenada Operation in 1983 when the Lord spoke through me to untangle a very confusing operation and recently, my wife’s miraculous recovery from complications experienced in a heart operation.  Those are just a couple from my life.

You have your miracles as well; they’re part of the story that you have fallen into, the great Epic as John Eldridge would say.  Just think about all the times that you the “leader” made decisions where you really had an incomplete understanding of what the outcome would be; those times where you operated from a position of prayer and that “still small voice of instinct.” I know those situations have occurred in your business, church, or a military organization that just seemed to work out.  Remember those times and thank the Lord for His intervention.

There is another miracle that we need to remember, not only this time of the year, but always, and that is the birth of that small child, the carpenter from Nazareth, Jesus.  The miracle, of course, is the virgin birth.  But there are other miracles associated with the birth of Jesus like the star of David, the Magi, the travel of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus in their escape to Egypt to avoid Herod’s wrath, and of course all the miracles that Jesus performed while He was with us in human form.

In my mind the greatest of all miracles, was the willingness and obedience of the Son of God to for a time, give up His place with the Father to come to earth and become a man and knowingly suffer so many indignities and then death on a cross to ransom us from eternal suffering of being apart from the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

So, during this Christmas Season, dwell on the miracle of miracles, the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and his willingness to come in human form and give His all that we may “know Christ and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of sharing in His suffering . . . so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead”. (Phil. 3:10) MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

If you would like to learn more about miracles that I have experienced, and the story that I have fallen into, check out my book, Growing and Building.

[1] https://www.google.com/search?q=baby+jesus+images&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwinh-HlnJTYAhUCw1QKHVZkDOUQ7AkIRg&biw=1024&bih=662#imgrc=8EUMO5mHVn8yhM: